Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What our Puducherry Congress Governments have done to Dalit People?- SCSP wrangles.--THALAIYARI

The SCSP outlays are reallocated to various indivisible
Departments as blank cheque books.
The concept and objectives of SCSP is a boon and solace
to Dalit people. But various welfare Schemes implemented
by the Government of Puducherry under Scheduled Caste
Sub Plan (SCSP) over the years have only been a sine cure
exercise that have left SCSP objectives at abeyance and have
caused colossal loss to the whole Puducherry Dalit People.
This was happened not because of any administrative
impediments or not because of any individual higher officer
or not because of any individual minister. This was
happened because of anti Dalit caste fanaticism and
obscurantism of ruling hegemony and bureaucracy. Both
had systematically jeopardized the proper implementation
of SCSP. To achieve this they had selected anti Dalit officers
with acrimonious animosity against Dalit people to
implement SCSP and had handed over them the staggering
SCSP outlays as blank cheque books on each and every
financial year. And these officers in turn had preferred
and implemented SCSP through unviable, inconsistent,
redundant, non productive, absurd and ludicrous welfare
schemes and through Sisyphean tasks in accordance with
their whims and fancies.
Because of scant regard on the desires, aspirations and
opprobrium of Dalit leaders, they had dissipated and
militated against the whole SCSP outlays with an ulterior
motives and malafide intensions either to defer or to
jeopardize socio economic advancement of Dalit People by
slew of welfare schemes which were all countenanced and
fulminated by Dalit people. The whole amassing SCSP
outlays set apart to the Puducherry Government from 1979
to 2010, to the tune of Rs 149762.98 lakh from Total Plan
Outlay of this plan period a grand total of Rs1,121,822.69
lakh were almost disappeared with out without creating a
visible change and tangible development in the life of
Puducherry Dalit People. It is not the history of yester
years. But it is a continuing story of anti Dalit conspiracy
and political mystery of Puducherry.
Without any reluctance, the unfettered misuse, diversion
and juxtaposition of SCSP outlays and the willy-nilly and
shoddy implementation of SCSP are still persistent in the
Govt of Puducherry.
The perennial problems of Dalit people could have been
addressed long before if the SCSP was implemented
honestly and properly. But vividly speaking, in
Puducherry the SCSP had/has been implemented relatively
with political fear and with ill-will. Because of this anti
dalit nature the Government of Puducherry has singularly
failed in the conscientious implementation of SCSP. This
is a deliberate, desired and well planned failure of the
Government of Puducherry.
I cannot remain complacent
Perennial problems of the Dalit people remain a subject
every one seems to know but none prefers to talk about it.
This is a matter of deep regret that problems of Dalit people
have been reduced to a football like matter to be kicked off
here and there without regard to the damage done to Dalit 
people. As one famous Judge said “when there is a duty to
speak, silence is culpable”. Likewise, I cannot remain as a
mute spectator and a complacent if anybody evade my
oblivious Dalit people’s rights and treat them with scorn.
Owing to the apprehensions of backlashes and being the
“yes men and brain children” of politicians and ruling
hegemony, most of the Puducherry Dalit leaders are
reluctant either to protest against the misuse of SCSP funds
or to reveal the anti Dalit attitudes of Puducherry Congress
Government. They are vying with each othe to get into
the good book of their political masters and are gagged
and muzzled by their political affiliations. In addition to
this the Dalit movements are caught up in the quagmire
of in fights and fratricidal clashes. The liberty and the well
being of Dalit people are become secondary options to
them. In one word we can mention that they are all not
anchored in the core values of our emancipator
revolutionist Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s liberation dreams.
Therefore they are maintaining a deafening silence about
the rights and privileges whittled down by the Puducherry
ruling hegemony.
The Puducherry Dalit MLAs are being inebriated with
power and having forgotten their duties and
responsibilities as Dalit leaders to represent the plight of
Dalit people. They never touched this subject as it is a hot
cake to them. However, Thiru Neela Gangadharan,
Ex.MLA and a senior Pondicherry Dalit leader had alone
once raised this issue in the Puducherry Assembly during
his tenure (2001-2006) based on our pamphlets, campaigns
and concerted efforts.
But I cannot remain complacent when a great
opportunity awarded to Dalit people in the name of SCSP 
was and is being whittled down by some anti Dalit forces.
I had a dream to undo the injustices inflicted against my
pliant Dalit people. To realise that dream I had set out and
loggerheaded many protests with the connivances of my
caucuses and virtual friends to assert the rights of my
people in SCSP. Distressed by the precarious plight of Dalit
people besides other protests I had made impassioned
appeal to the Government to respect the fair demands of
Dalit people by means of my various representations.
Our movement Viduthalai Chiruthaigal had time and
again and repeatedly importuned and petitioned the
Government of Puducherry and Govt of India on various
occasions for the proper and viable implementation of
SCSP. And to pursue and prevail upon the Government of
Puducherry as well as Government of India and to assert
our rights and privileges, we had unleashed slew of
agitations under vibrant democratic manner against the
Government of Puducherry to concede these demands.
During those occasions we had let out various pamphlets
to reveal and divulge the parsimonious willy-nilly and
palliative implementation of SCSP by the Government of
Still, the Government of Puducherry has not made any
significant and viable changes in the methods of SCSP
implementation. Its contemptuous and supercilious on
SCSP have emboldened ferocious anti Dalit officers to
misuse and to misallocate SCSP funds unflinchingly to
jeopardise SCSP and to hinder the flow of benefits from
Government to Dalit people. Hence, to take up this matter
to the notice of the Government of India we decided to
publish my five latest Wide Representations, with some
additional notes as a book. As an observant Dalit leader I
had written these memorandums with credible evidences
and with plausible explanations for the interest of my
beloved, oblivious and pliant Dalit people and to bring out
their precarious plight to the political light.
The twin goals of Indian economic planning are
economic growth and equitable sharing of the fruits of
development. The country has made significant progress
in realising the first objective. But the second goal has
remained elusive. After six decades of planned economic
development, the disparities have widened and the
majority of Dalit population is still mired in poverty. I
believe that SCSP can offer little opportunity to make a
course correction and advance towards Dalit Welfare.
Nothing more than this can be attributed as the reason for
the release of this collection of my representations.
Adversaries may attribute any aspersions on this book but
honest Dalit people and time will brush them aside.
Last year I had decided to bring out a book in this context
by compiling my latest Wide Representations to the
Government but the political imbalance that prevailed in
Puducherry had prevented me to carryout this job.
Moreover, the expenditure incurred for publishing and
releasing a book of poems of mine. “Andha Vandikaaranum
Gandhium” had lowered my economic sustenance. In
addition to this problem, non availability of moral and
financial support I had postponed the project.
All the problems of Puducherry Dalits are
not discussed here
All the perennial problems of Puducherry Dalit people
that cry out for immediate address are not discussed here.
For instance, denial of reservation in daily rated or part
time Government jobs for Dalit people is rampant inPuducherry.
During former Chief Minister Rangasamy’s
period about 17,000 Nondalit people were given part time
or daily rated jobs in the Puducherry Government by
braving all reservation policies and its related Government
Orders. This was confessed unabashedly by thiru
Rangasamy himself on many occasions and in many public
meetings. This is not a story of yester years but is a
persistently continuing story. The incumbent Congress
Government is also indulging in this same perfidy against
Dalit reservation policy and indiscriminately utilising this
anti Dalit “backdoor entry” method to offer Government
jobs to its caucuses and its supporters to muster its vote
bank. The” back door entry” method was invented and is
now utilised to deny reservation to Dalit people in
Government jobs and to jeopardize all sorts of reservations
for Dalit people in various opportunities and resources.
And now it has been further evolved into an election
advance for family votes and for political gambling in lieu
of money for votes. Similarly many courts orders rendered
in favour of Dalit Government officers are still kept in
pending and in abeyance by the Government of
Puducherry. There is no PCR Cell in Tamilnadu and in
other States and in other Union territories of India.But in
Puducherry there is one PCR Cell to obfusecate the
implementation of SC and ST Prevention Atrocities Act
1989 and its Rules 1995. In addition to this this Act is not
properly enforced in Puducherry with the due budgetary
allocation of sufficient funds. These are all the vast stories
to be written and brought to the light of public domain.
But I have focused only on certain perennial problems and
the sine qua non demands of indigent Dalit people and
pathetic Dalit students since I feel that they are the urgent
and foremost need of the hour. In view of this, I have 
exerted more interest on this subject matter in this book to
emphasize their sine qua non Demands to the Government.
Finally I want to affirm and emphasize that the
intention of my five wide representations incorporated in
this book should not be considered and misconstrued as
mere allegations or accusations but they are my
indignations, suggestions, fair demands, desires and
aspirations for the proper implementation of SCSP in
Puducherry. Further to air the grievances and the popular
demands of Puducherry Dalit people and to provide key
inputs to the Central and State Government to improve the
SCSP Schemes and their implementation are the prime
intentions of this Book and others are secondary intentions.
Thanks to Thirumaavalavan
I therefore have the confidence that my Dalit people and
my beloved colleagues, my caucuses and my virtual friends
will accept, recognise and support this book. And I also
hope that this book would be a prodigious memory to them.
With overwhelming confidence and veracity on me, our
venturesome, savant, single minded and gifted leader of
world Tamil community Thol. Thirumaavalavan had
graciously accorded me a valuable greeting note for this
book without posing any queries about the title of this book.
I do not have apt word to express my gratitude to him. I
hope he and my friends will agree with my perceptions
and will favour my views on the subject matter of this book.
As it is a red letter day of my life before concluding this
introductory note, I wish to express my gratitude to my
beloved ardent, tenacious and dedicated Puducherry Dalit
leaders like Uthiravaginipet Thiru Deva Pozhilan,
Thondamanatham Thiru Arima Thamizhan, who were 
associated with me in all of our impervious endeavors and
struggles undertaken to assert and reclaim the rights and
privileges of Dalit people over SCSP.I also wish to utilize
this opportunity to extend my gratitude to all my comrades
and to my unknown virtual friends and supporters who
are always offering their unflinching support and buttress
to me.
With love
 Here are the links to to download the book in PDF format. 
1. http://www.ziddu.com/download/13547590/Thalaiyari-BookFormat.pdf.htmlhttp://www.ziddu.com/download/13547590/Thalaiyari-BookFormat.pdf.html


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